Friday, January 5, 2007

The Decent - Holy crap!

Not many horror movies scare me anymore. Generally I get bored about halfway thru them. But this one, 'The Decent' suprised me. It took a while to get going, though the background story it gave was deep, but not to the point of 'oy, get on with the story already'. The story is 6 women(I think it was 6 at least) go spelunking(isnt that a fun word to say?) in the Appalachian Mountains. Things start to look go wrong when they realize that they are not in the cave that they thought they were, as one of the ladies thought it would be good to take a harder cave. So therefor, no one knows where they are. And then theres a cave in.
I wont say much more, other than that this movie scared the hell out of me. Not a little bit, were you twitch a little bit. I jumped like someone hit me with a cattle prod.(I can neither comfirm nor deny that I may have possibly even peed a little) And it didnt happen just once, several times I jumped.
If you like scary movies, go for it. If you dont or are unsure, stay the hell away.

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