Wednesday, January 3, 2007

My first post & The Dresden files

Ive been wanting to get this out for some time, and what better way than here.
First off, let me say this - these are good books. I enjoyed the stories very, very much. Stories like these have been told about a million different ways, but I think this is a new and unique way.
Having said that...the tag line for this series should be 'for geeks, by geeks'. Doesn't make any sense? Let me explain. Do you remember that guy in high school that wore the black duster, ratty tennis shoes, and was kinda creepy? That's the main character in this book. Sometimes I think this is the wet dream of the 35 year old still living in his parents basement playing Dungeons and Dragons. Hell, the main character Harry Dresden, lives in a basement. And he is a professional wizard for hire in modern day Chicago. And of course the uber geeky guy gets the hot chick. The one recurring theme in all these books that makes me either laugh or cry, depending, is when Harry gets all chivalrous with the ladies. Personally, if a lady had a gun pointed at my head, then a medusa-esqe demon came in and put the boots to her, I probably wouldn't mind. But Harry - he says 'dang, that shouldn't happen to a girl'. Maybe its just me, but I think there isan overload in cheese factor there.
Well, I'm glad I got that out of my system. Don't get me wrong - like I said before, I enjoyed the books very much, they are great stories. Just a little silly sometimes. OK, alot silly.

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